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6. Your Committee

President - Gordon Wiseman
Represent the Club whenever necessary. Attend Bucks Hockey Association meetings, chair committee meetings and AGM, and sign off all sponsorship and coaching contracts.

Secretary - Tim Elvin
Arrange monthly committee meetings, provide an agenda and any accompanying documents for meetings, document and distribute resulting minutes, organise and Minute AGM, correspond with VPs.

Treasurer - Nigel Cox
Monitor cash flow of club and report routinely to committee on latest financial position. Collect, bank and pay remittances, deal with banking queries for all monetary matters, chase late annual subscriptions from players, provide a financial report for AGM.

1st XI Manager - Kevin Mayles
Check player availability, confirm team selection and ensure team know match time/date and venue. Ensure all players are registered with England Hockey, via Fixtures Live web site. Load match start times & venues onto Fixture’s live website. Confirm match details (venue/pushback, colours) to opposition/match officials by Tuesday before match day.
Ensure/validate that Umpires have been confirmed for home games (work with Umpire coordinator). The Manager will be main contact used by NPUA (Umpire association). Collect keys on arrival at Stowe, unlock facilities – relock after match & return keys. Meet & greet opposition and match officials. Ensure refreshments are available for opposition/match officials and that mandatory items of equipment are prepared for match – table, chairs, banners, match balls. Ensure match form, team sheet and player registration sheet is available for match officials. Create and print sufficient quantity of match day programs. Ensure 1st aid kit, ice and warm-up balls & bibs are available on match days. Book/organise hotels for away fixtures. Look after bench coats & change kit. Liaise with England Hockey for any items required during the season. Attendance at matches is mandatory. No hockey knowledge is required.

2nd Team Manager - Nick Harding
The manager checks player availability, confirms team selection along with match time/date and venue. Texts results to Fixtures Live, maintains records of goal scorers and makes sure match reports are written and submitted to the paper. Responsible for collection of match fees and the organisation of volunteers for match teas.

Fixtures Secretary - Georgina Black
To ensure fixtures are planned for the clubs senior team, for pre-season and mid-season friendlies. Ensure pitches, cricket club are booked for home fixtures for both junior and senior teams. Liaise with team managers/captains/ coaches to let them know which fixtures are booked in advanced. Liaise with umpire coordinator, and junior co-ordinator so they can plan home and away fixtures. Advise Teas person of all home games. Enter the teams in to Indoor, cup and confirm with Head Coach. Advise the opposition of the venue. Advise the opposition of the team’s captain/managers details.

Media & Communications Officer - Connor Beesley
Manage & update club website. Produce match day booklet as required. Write and maintain social media platforms and club e-mail addresses. Liaise with local paper re publicity.

Kit Representative - Jack Boyden
Work with third party kit suppliers to select and ensure availability of kit. Enable club members to easily order club kit. Work out costings for kit which should include small margin of profit for the club. Co-ordinate getting club numbers assigned to new members numbers for their kit.

Umpire Coordinator - Gordon Wiseman
Contact NUPA appointed umpires liaising with them so that they receive confirmation of venue, and match time, directions etc. Confirm all arrangements with the 1ST XI manager prior to matches. Appoint appropriately qualified umpires to 2nd XI and junior matches. Liaise with County Umpiring coordinator to facilitate Level 1 umpire coaching and training

Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator - Katrina Meek/ Ben Scott
Update sponsor booklet & sponsorship options. Seek sponsors, manage the sponsor relationships. Arrange fundraising events throughout season.

Welfare Officer - Helen Rolfe
Maintain club policies associated with safeguarding and protecting young people and ensure these are communicated to all members. Act as a point of contact for any member or parent who has a concern about welfare. Process the paperwork associated with any safeguarding incidents in accordance with EHB guidelines.

Junior Coordinator -
Coordinate the enrolment and organisation of all aspects of junior club hockey. This includes allocation of coaches and support volunteers. Ensuring players are registered and affiliated. Entering and ensuring representation in relevant hockey events, leagues and tournaments.

We are looking for new committee members and need your help to ensure the continuation and smooth running of Buckingham Hockey Club.

Do you know the answers to these questions?
Who runs and manages you/your child’s club?
Who employs the coaches, organises fixtures and sets training times?
Who sets the policies and subscription fees?
Who chooses and organises fundraising activities?

The answer is “You do!” or at least you could if you were a member of the committee. A voluntary committee of players and parents manages your club. Without its committee, the club would not be able to operate. A number of the present committee will not be standing again at the end of this season, including the Secretary and Treasurer, so we are now seeking volunteers for new members as well as new officers. No experience is necessary, we are just looking for people who are enthusiastic and who have ideas and energy to contribute towards taking the club forward and making it the best it can be for all of its members.

What Would Joining the Committee Involve?
To be a committee member is not a demanding job, even as an officer. All that is needed is your enthusiasm and a little of your time. The committee’s function is one of managing and overseeing the smooth running of the club, according to its policies & constitution.

What do Members Actually Do?
Committee Member: Attends and votes at committee meetings.
Committee Positions: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Coach, 1st Team Manager, 2nd Team Manager, 3rd Team Manager, Fixture secretary, Media and Communications, Junior Coordinator, Umpire Coordinator, Sponsorship & Fundraising, Welfare Officer, Volunteer Coordinator.

Example Descriptions:

Secretary: Same as committee member + takes minutes of the meetings; writes occasional letters to members concerning club matters; signs cheques.

Treasurer: Same as committee member + prepares and passes on financial report at meetings; signs cheques.

Chair: Chairs committee meetings; signs cheques; writes occasional emails/letters to parents concerning club matters; signs documents on behalf of the club.

For more detailed descriptions and descriptions of other roles please contact Zak Jones or Gordon Wiseman.

At their monthly meetings, which are currently held via Zoom, the committee discusses fundraising activities, social events, fees, membership, financial matters, new policies etc.

Your club needs YOU!

Please consider joining the committee and becoming a little more involved in the life of your club. Remember that without the support of its committee, Buckingham Hockey Club will not be able to continue. This would be a real loss, not only to the current members, but also to the local community and area as a whole.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please email Zak Jones on or Gordon Wiseman on

Remember, this is YOUR club and it has always been the high level of committee and member involvement that has helped to make Buckingham Hockey Club so special.

This page is maintained by our Secretary.